Friday, March 20, 2015

Fundraising Friday: Block Party

Today is the first day of Spring! We're saving daylight. The cold air is disappearing. It's time to clean the grills, dust the pollen off your patio furniture, and invite your neighbors and friends out for the best block party of the season. All for a good cause of course!

Block party fundraisers can be an inexpensive, fun way to enjoy hanging out with friends while funding life saving cancer research. So, here are some tips for hosting a block party...

  1. Good food is a must. Whether you grill burgers and hot dogs or have BBQ catered, choosing food everyone enjoys is the first step. If you grill the meat, you can ask everyone to bring their favorite side dish and/or beverages. If you have it catered, call around and ask if you can have the food donated or at a reduced rate.
  2. Ask grocery stores or party supply stores to donate plates, cups and napkins.
  3. Set up a lemonade stand and have your kids work the booth. You could also set up a dessert bar or snack bar (with items such as candy bars, pop corn or beef jerky). Sell these items for extra donations.
  4. Set up a small silent auction. Have friends/business owners donate items for the auction.
  5. Have a bazaar. Charge a set amount for a booth/table where people can sell homemade arts and crafts.
  6. Get sponsors. Ask businesses if they would like to sponsor your event. For their donation, their logo will go on your flyers and website (or social media).
  7. Entertainment! Do you have a friend who sings or plays guitar? You don't have to spend extra hiring a band. Seek your talented friends and have them play for tips (extra donations!).
  8. Make sure you know the law. Do you need a city permit? Are there liability issues?
  9. Have a good back up plan in case of inclement weather. This is Southeast Texas. You never know. Is there a neighborhood clubhouse you could rent if necessary? Will your own house accomodate?
  10. Games for all ages will make it even more fun.
  11. Set up a face painting booth. Paint supplies are inexpensive and kids (and many adults) love it.
  12. Invite your honored teammate and have them share their story. Remind everyone of the reason you're hosting this event and raising all this money.

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